Feelings Finder Emotional Awareness Activity Sets
Feelings Finder Emotional Awareness Activity Sets
The Little Lotus Feelings Finder© activity offers a mindfulness-based approach designed to teach children about emotional awareness and self awareness. Awareness of one’s emotions forms the foundation for the development of emotional intelligence and resilience. The Feelings Finder© board provides children with a non-verbal hands-on tool for examining not only which emotions they are feeling, but where they are experiencing them in the body. The process also provides a visual illustration of how emotions come and go. Use of the activity to foster emotional and self awareness can provide children a means to communicate how they are feeling, understand how others are feeling, and identify multi-sensory and self regulation strategies for coping with difficult emotions. You can also use this activity along with storybooks, social stories, videos and/or puppets to help identify how characters are feeling.
There are two options:
1. The Feelings Finder board: a magnetic white board (11"X14"), 2 sets of 14 different feelings faces magnets
2. Feelings Finder magnet set: 1 set of 14 feelings faces magnets, a body magnet that can be used on any small or classroom whiteboard